Setup my development environment
I have 5 devices could be called computer of my own: 3 desktops, 1 laptop and 1 MacBook. One of the desktops became my homelab server and NAS. 4 computers for me may be too more to use, but they can make sure anyone of them down, that I can still work.
The motivation to write this article is I want to install Linux on my laptop recently. Its CPU - Intel 8th gen i7-8550U - with terrible efficiency-energy ratio, makes me have no any interesting to use it. Then I spent one week (after work) to install and configure Linux on it. The desktop environments of Linux are not good, even though Gnome and KDE can out-of-box, but I still need to configure more things to make them look great and use conveniently. I do not want to spend more time on it.